Chassidus explained in clear, simple English.

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Yud Shvat

Basi L'Gani 5743

In honor of Yud Shvat, learn the Rebbe's ma'amar which explains the thirteenth chapter of the Frierdiker Rebbe's hemshech, focusing on the revelation of the Ohr Ein Sof "downward without limit."


All Ma'amarim

Basi L'Gani 5743

In honor of Yud Shvat, learn the Rebbe's ma'amar which explains the thirteenth chapter of the Frierdiker Rebbe's hemshech, focusing on the revelation of the Ohr Ein Sof "downward without limit."


Basi L'Gani 5742

In honor of Yud Shvat, learn the Rebbe's ma'amar which explains the twelfth chapter of the Frierdiker Rebbe's hemshech, focusing on the revelation of the Ohr Ein Sof "downward without limit."


Basi L'Gani 5741

In honor of seventy years since Yud Shvat 5711, learn the Rebbe's ma'amar which explains the eleventh chapter of the Frierdiker Rebbe's hemshech. Learn about why the the midah of netzach enables us to create a home for Hashem in the physical world.


Basi L'Gani 5740

In honor of seventy years since Yud Shvat 5710, learn the Rebbe's ma'amar which explains the tenth chapter of the Frierdiker Rebbe's hemshech. Learn about why the service of "Tzivos Hashem" enables us to create a home for Hashem in the physical world.


Issa B'Midrash Tehillim

The maamar which every Chabad bar mitzvah boy receites at his bar mitzvah.


Podoh B'Shalom 5746

Tes Kislev marks the birthday and hilula (passing) of the Mittler Rebbe. This day is immediately followed by the day of Yud Kislev, his chag hageula. In this amazing ma'amar, learn how the day of Tes Kislev enables us to reach a unique level of on the day of Yud Kislev that is similar to the revelation of Moshiach!


BaLayla HaHu 5725

What is the fact that the "King's sleep was disturbed" the main miracle of Purim? Find out in this amazing ma'amar which explains the true nature of the Jews' self-sacrifice at the time of the Purim miracle.


Basi LeGani 5719

In this ma'amar, which explains the ninth chapter of the Frierdiker Rebbe's ma'amar, the Rebbe explains the significance of performing mitzvos in the physical world.


Basi LeGani 5718 (Ma'amar 2)

In this ma'amar, which explains the eighth chapter of the Frierdiker Rebbe's ma'amar, the Rebbe explains the difference between the hey and the kuf - both according to Kabbalah and the implications for our service of Hashem.


MiSheTishka HaChama 5738

In this ma'amar, which the Rebbe said 40 years ago this Chanukah (after recovering from his heart attack on Shmini Atzeres) the Rebbe explains the amazing accomplishment of Chanukah and how it lights up the darkness of galus.


Bereishis Bara Elokim 5738

In this ma'amar, the Rebbe explains the ultimate purpose of creation - the revelation of Hashem's essence through the refinement of the physical world - by explaining why the Torah begins with the story of creation.


LeHavin Inyan Simchas Torah 5738

In this ma'amar, the Rebbe explains the connection of Simchas Torah to the overall service of the month of Tishrei, as well as how Simchas Torah affects the entire year.


Es Havayah He'Emarta 5730

In this ma'amar, the Rebbe explains why Hashem's tefillin contains a possuk which talks about the greatness of the Jewish people.


V'Atah Yisroel 5737

In this ma'amar, which the Rebbe said for the yartzeit of his father, the Rebbe explains the connection between the details of our service of Hashem and the revelation of the essence of the soul.


Yehi Hashem Elokeinu Imanu 5724

In this amazing ma'amar, the Rebbe analyzes a sicha which the Frierdiker Rebbe said on his way to exile in Kastrama and explains the ultimate bittul of mesiras nefesh.


Roni V'Simchi 5727

The theme of Matan Torah is the incredible quality that the Jewish people has; the ability to have freedom from the limits of creation. Therefore, it seems strange to start the haftorah of Beha'aloscha (which closely follows Shavuos) to start by describing the Jews as "bas Tzion" - a term which describes the Jews during galus! Learn about the incredible advantage that the Jewish people have during the time of galus in this amazing ma'amar!


Kol Yisroel 5733

Before we learn Pirkei Avos we say "All of Yisroel has a share in the world to come" - that every Jew will be resurrected in time of Moshiach. On the other hand, there are many qualifications that a Jew must have in order to merit Gan Eden - which is lower than the resurrection of the dead!. In this ma'amar, the Rebbe explains why every Jew will be resurrected when Moshiach comes.


Matzah Zu 5749

In this amazing - and short - ma'amar, the Rebbe explains the unique qualities that our matzah has - and how it's even greater than the matzah which the Jews ate when they left Mitzrayim.


BaLayla HaHu 5744

Learn how the main power of the Purim miracle was expressed through the fact that the "king's sleep was disturbed". This ma'amar explains the connection between galus and sleep - in ways that you wouldn't expect!


BaChodesh HaShlishi 5734

Prepare for the Giving of the Torah (in parshas Yisro) with this amazing ma'amar of the Rebbe which explains the ability that a Jew was given that enables him to join the "upper" and "lower" worlds.


Basi LeGani 5717

Prepare for Yud Shvat with the ma'amar that explains the seventh chapter of the Frierdiker Rebbe's Basi L'Gani. The Rebbe continues explaining the "bittul of the yud", which is the difference between the letters daled and raish.


Margela B'Pumeh D'Rava 5740

What is the ultimate level of bittul that a Jew can reach through learning Torah - and how can we connect to Hashem's ultimate essence? Find out in this amazing ma'amar, which is connected to Yud Tes Kislev.


Mayim Rabim 5738

Avraham Aveinu knew that the Jews would need to face a challenge in order to achieve their ultimate purpose, and he had the choice between sending them to gehinnom or requiring them to make a parnossa in galus. We know which one he chose - but how does the struggle of making a parnossa enable our soul to achieve its ultimate purpose in this world?


BaSukkos Teishvu 5740

The Rebbe adds new depth to classic questions asked by the previous Rebbeim regarding the mitzvah of the sukkah. Learn how the mitzvah of sitting in the sukkah represents a Jew's development - both throughout the day and throughout his entire life!


V'Haya BaYom HaHu 5728

It says that "the big shofar will be blown" when Moshiach comes - but why do we care how "big" the shofar will be? In this ma'amar, the Rebbe explains the significance of the shofar of Moshiach and its connection to the shofar of Rosh Hashanah.


Ani L'Dodi V'Dodi Li 5726

We all know the Alter Rebbe's famous analogy of "the king in the field" which explains the month of Elul, but the true depth of the analogy can't be appreciated without the Rebbe's detailed analysis and explanation. In this ma'amar the Rebbe explains how the "hidden inspiration" of Elul reaches every Jew - regardless of their current situation.


Havayah Li B'Ozroy 5717

Dovid HaMelech was punished for referring to the Torah as "songs" - but why? In this ma'amar, the Rebbe explains the deeper meaning of Dovid's statement, and what it teaches us about the true unity of Hashem.


VaYidaber Elokim 5729

If the Jews were already learning Torah before Matan Torah happened, what's the point of Matan Torah? In this ma'amar, the Rebbe explains three aspects of the unique accomplishment of Matan Torah - what was accomplished for the world, for the Torah, and for Hashem.


Kedoshim Tihiyu 5721

We often learn about the greatness of tzadikim and the amazing accomplishments of ba'alei teshuva, but why does Hashem need both? In this ma'amar, the Rebbe explores the concept of teshuva in tremendous detail and connects the roles of tzadikim and ba'alei teshuva to the months of Nissan and Iyar, explaining that that both roles are necessary in order to accomplish the purpose of creation.


HaChodesh HaZeh LoChem 5735

If Nissan is a month where Hashem redeems us "from above to below," why will the final geula - which is dependent on our teshuva - happen in the month of Nissan? Learn about how the teshuva of our generation has a unique ability to bring the geula!


V'Kibel HaYehudim 5738

What better way to prepare for Purim than with a ma'amar from the Rebbe! In this amazing ma'amar, learn about how the feeling of being "crushed" with bittul can lead to practical changes in your service of Hashem, including the chinuch of your children - and yourself!


V'Eileh HaMishpatim 5738

Why does the Torah place the mitzvos regarding slaves right after the giving of the Torah? In this ma'amar, learn the deeper meaning of these mitzvos, and how every Jew can reach the level of a benoni.


Basi LeGani 5716

In this ma'amar the Rebbe explains the focus of the sixth chapter of the Frierdiker Rebbe's ma'amar - the bittul of the sefirah of malchus. Learn why malchus has a unique bittul due to its unique role in creation.


Basi LeGani 5736

In this ma'amar the Rebbe explains how having bittul (selflessness and humility) in serving Hashem is a critical part of bringing Hashem's essence into the physical world.


Podoh B'Shalom 5741

A "redemption through peace" reflects the ultimate level of serving Hashem and transforming the world. In this ma'amar, learn how every act of serving Hashem is based on a "redemption through peace" and leads to the ultimate redemption of Moshiach.


V'Yihiyu Chayei Sarah 5741

The Torah demands that we attain the ultimate humility - but at the same time reach the highest levels of joy. This ma'amar shows us how to follow the example of Sarah in order to achieve both.


V'Chag Ha'Asif 5743

This ma'amar explains how the mitzvos of Sukkos fit in to the theme of Tishrei, and why the Torah connects the Yomim Tovim to the agricultural cycle.


Ani L'Dodi 5732

In this ma'amar, the Rebbe explains the unique advantage that Elul has over Rosh Hashanah because of the level of teshuva we are able to achieve during this month.


Tzion B'Mishpat Tipodeh 5741

This ma'amar is based on the last possuk of the haftorah from Shabbos Chazon, and explains the effect that the geula will have on both the body and soul of a Jew.


BaYom Ashtei Assar 5731

We know that Hashem chose the Jews to be His nation, and that we chose Hashem to be our G-d. But what's so special about choosing G-d - isn't it clear that there's no better option? Learn more in this famous ma'amar of the Rebbe.


B'haaloscha es HaNeros 5729

We always learn about the holiness of the neshama - but if it's so holy, why does it need Torah and mitzvos? In this ma'amar the Rebbe explains why even the holiest neshamos need Torah and mitzvos in order to reach an even higher level than they could ever reach on their own.


LeHavin Inyan Rashbi 5745

On Lag B'Omer we celebrate the passing of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai - but what makes him so special and unique? Discover the significance of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai in this amazing ma'amar from the Rebbe.


Ki'Mei Teitzcha Me'Eretz Mitzrayim 5742

Will the final redemption be comparable to the geula from Mitzrayim - or will it be something completely different? The Rebbe explains how both are true in this amazing Pesach ma'amar.


V'Kibel HaYehudim 5711

Why were the Jews unable to completely accept the Torah until the time of Purim, one of the most difficult periods in Jewish history?


Basi L'Gani 5735

Shtus d'kedusha doesn't need to be crazy - it's an overall approach that needs to become part of everything you do.


Basi L'Gani 5715

Learn about how an irrational commitment to serving Hashem is necessary in order to reveal Hashem's essence in our physical world.


Tanu Rabbanan Mitzvas Ner Chanukah 5738

Chanukah has the unique ability to light up the darkness at the end of galus. Learn why Chanukah is connected to the number eight and a surprising relationship to the bulls of Sukkos.


V'Avraham Zaken 5738

We know it's important to fill our time with mitzvos - but why? This ma'amar explains the impact of mitzvos on the dimension of time.


L'Cho Omar Libi 5720

The Rebbe analyzes a ma'amar of the Frierdiker Rebbe from 5700 which explains the central verse of Tehillim Chapter 27 - the extra verse we add to davening every day in Elul.


V'Haya Eikev Tishma'un 5727

Learn how the Rebbe's father's mesiras nefesh affects us today - and how our avodah at the end of galus results in the revelation of Moshiach.


Gadol Yiyeh Kavod HaBayis 5722

What's so unique about the third Bais Hamikdash? Learn about its deeper significance and its role in the geula.


Kuntres Gimmel Tammuz

Together with Merkaz Anash we released a special Kuntres for Gimmel Tammuz. For a version you can print and fold, click here.


HaSam Nafsheinu B'Chaim 5718

Learn about how Korach's mistake teaches us about the miracle of Yud Bais Tammuz and how to set the proper focus on our physical life.


V'Atah Tetzaveh - 5741

The last ma'amar the Rebbe checked and distributed before Gimmel Tammuz. Learn about the Rebbe's message for what we need to accomplish now.


Gal Einai 5737

In this Lag B'Omer ma'amar the Rebbe explains how Chassidus has to impact our everyday actions and performance of mitzvos in order to achieve its purpose in creation.


Ki Yishalcha Bincha 5738

What is the deeper meaning of the question of the wise son at the seder? The Rebbe explains the question according to Chassidus.


Omar Rabbi Oshia 5739

Every mitzvah we do can help our brothers and sisters that are oppressed - whether it's from the outside or the inside!


Al Kein Karu LYamim Haeleh Purim 5713

Purim means "lottery." What's so special about a lottery that we named the whole holiday after it?


Basi L'Gani 5734

This is the Rebbe's second ma'amar explaining the fourth chapter of the Frierdiker Rebbe's Basi L'Gani


Basi L'Gani 5714

This is the Rebbe's first ma'amar explaining the fourth chapter of the Frierdiker Rebbe's Basi L'Gani



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Simply Chassidus is written by Simcha Kanter in Chicago.